Effectiveness of meditation and positive affirmations

Charge your mind with this effective technique...


First close your eyes then Breath in, breath out,

again breath in, breath out

Repeat it 5 times...

Now after repeating this keep your eyes closed & remember all your past achievements which you have achieved...

Your first day of school, 

Your first friend,

Your first achievement may be small or big,

Your wish which came true,

now remember your next achievement may be small or big

Remember your recent or last achievement which you have achieved

Now observe your confidence, see your face, 

see you confident smile,

Now you are full of confidence.

Now remember what you want to achieve next & focus your mind on it, focus, focus, focus.

Now you are full of confidence again, 

You know you can achieve this too...& remember no one can beat your confidence.

Now slowly open your eyes & now go to start again your studies... you will see you are focusing with full concentration on your studies.


Do this again & again whenever you feel discharged...


Image Source:- Google
