Yogaasana for ibs
Yoga can be a helpful practice for managing IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving digestion. Here are some yoga asanas (poses) that might help Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a physical disorder that
The Benefit of Marriage
Marriage can be important for a variety of reasons, depending on cultural, personal, and societal perspectives Persons who are legally married have long enjoyed a wide range of benefits. Here are some common reasons why marriage is valued.
Why Marriage is Important: A Timeless Bond
marriage provides a unique form of emotional support and companionship
Explain Grief to Children
Children are mostly an unexperienced when it comes to handling difficult situations and emotions
Understanding Mood Disorders with DSM-5 and ICD-11
Mood disorders are mental health conditions that significantly impact a person’s emotional state
Understanding Anxiety Disorders: Types and Symptoms
Anxiety disorders are some of the most common mental health conditions, affecting millions of people worldwide
Color Psychology
Colors have long been recognized for their ability to evoke emotions, convey messages, and shape perceptions.
How to Identify You Married a Wrong Person
Marriage is a lifelong commitment that requires love, trust, respect, and compatibility
Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is a common and natural response experienced by both children and adults
Workplace Anxiety
It's no surprise that workplace anxiety is becoming increasingly prevalent.
Emotionally Neglected Child
The emotionally neglected child is a silent protagonist
how your unhealed trauma affect your relationship
Our life experiences shape us in profound ways,
Loneliness is not merely a state of physical isolation but a complex emotional experience.
In a society where stresses and stimuli abound and demand our attention, many people struggle with hypervigilance,
Pre Marital Counselling
Marriage is a significant life milestone that marks the beginning of a shared journey between two individuals.
Winter Blues
As winter wraps its frosty embrace around us, it's not uncommon to feel a subtle shift in our mood and energy levels.
Performance Anxiety
When faced with tasks or situations that require a high degree of performance such as public speaking, exams, interviews, or artistic performances, many people naturally suffer performance anxiety.
Loneliness in the Digital Age
Many people now unexpectedly find loneliness to be a companion in this day of hyper-connectivity.
Mindfulness for Depression
The practice of being fully present in the present moment without judgment is at the heart of mindfulness.
Exercises for good sleep
A good night's sleep can seem like a faraway dream amid the busyness of our modern lives, where worry and anxiety frequently take centre stage in our minds.
Stress has practically become a given in our fast-paced modern world. There are many factors that might raise our stress levels.
The power of music therapy
"The Power of Music Therapy: How music can be used to improve mental health" and how it works:
Premarital counseling is a process that helps couples prepare for marriage by discussing important issues and developing communication and conflict resolution skills.
Procrastination is the act of delaying or putting off a task or set of tasks until a later time, or indefinitely. It is a common human behavior that can have negative consequences for both personal and professional life.
How to Overcome from a Breakup
Going through a breakup can be one of the most difficult experiences in life. It can be hard to cope with the emotional pain, and it can be tough to know how to move on.
10 conversations every parent must have with their teenagers:
Here are 10 important discussions that every parent should have with their teenager to strengthen their relationship and tackle crucial topics together.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
A disorder characterized by failure to recover after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event.
how to overcome anxiety
चिंता ग्रस्त होना एक व्यक्तिगत दृष्टिकोण भी होता है कोई व्यक्ति कठिन समय में बुद्धिमता ढंग से
चने किसी भी form मे लिए जा सकते है, चाहे सब्जी के रूप मे हो, या भीगे चने हो, हर तरह से चने फायदा पहुचते
Trending Career Options e-Magazine
Trending Career Options By Experts
Breathing Related Sleep Disorders (Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea)
Hypopnea is related to sleep apnea and is a part of the same family of sleep disorders. In hypopnea, there is a decrease of airflow for at least 10 seconds in respirations, a 30-percent reduction in ventilation, and a decrease in oxygen saturation. T
Adhomukh Shvanasana
अधोमुख श्वानासन सूर्य नमस्कार के 7 आसनों मे से एक है। पहला शब्द है ‘अधोमुख’ – जिसका अर्थ होता है
sleep-Disorder (Narcolepsy).
Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that makes people very drowsy during the day. People with narcolepsy find it hard to stay awake for long periods of time. They fall asleep suddenly. This can cause serious problems in their daily routine.
Sleep Disorder (Hypersomnolence)
Many people find themselves sleep-deprived or excessively tired at various times in their lives. On the other hand, a person with hypersomnolence can feel the need to sleep even after they have slept well for the recommended number of hours.
The Common University Entrance Test (CUET (UG) - 2023) is being introduced for admission into all UG (Under Graduate) Programs in all Central Universities
Sleep Disorder (Insomnia)
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep.
Personality Disorder's Cluster C
Cluster C disorders are defined by anxious thoughts and behavior.
Personality Disorder Cluster B
Cluster B disorders involve unpredictable, dramatic, or intensely emotional responses to things.
International Dance Day
Over the generations, dance has been used for expression, and with good reason. It not only helps you keep active and move your body but has also been connected to several advantages for your mental health.
Personality Disorders
A personality disorder is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual’s culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over tim
forgiveness से आप कई सारी समस्याओं को ऐसे ही सुलझा लेंगे
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that affects millions of people around the world.
How To Deal With Children
बच्चे बहुत ही नाजुक और मासूम होते हैं, वो जीतने मासूम होते है
what is FOMO?
The fear of missing out (FOMO) is an emotional response to the belief that other people are living better, more satisfying lives or that important opportunities are being missed.
Mental Health of Elderly
बढ़ती उम्र अक्सर कई बीमारियों और समस्याओं की वजह बन जाती है।
Self Care
Self-Care का अर्थ है स्वयं की देखभाल करना वो सारी चीजे जो करने के लिए समय निकालना जो आपको एक बहतर जीवन ज
Most Indian parents do not talk to their children about body safety due to two reasons
पार्टनर से जरूर शेयर करें ये बातें
प्यार में धोखा खाने से बचना है, तो पार्टनर से जरूर शेयर करें ये बातें
prem kya hai
आज का युवा आकर्षण को प्रेम का नाम देता है
Life Is What We Make It
Life is What we make it” means hum jaisa apni life ko banate hai hamari life waise hi ban jaati hai
Importance Of Colors
रंगों का हमारे शरीर और मन में बहुत ही गहरा प्रभाव पड़ता है
If you are reading this, sure enough, you have a child around, who has either hit you or another kid or someone you know
Positive Parenting Raise a Friendly Confident Child
Is your kid shy? Does your child seem less confident in public?
tips to break perfection
Acknowledge that no one is perfect and that making mistakes is a normal part of life
स्मार्टनेस का साइड इफ़ेक्ट –नोमो फोबिया, जीवन में या हमारी रोज की दिनचर्या में अगर हमारा स्मार्
Selfie मनोरंजन या मनोरोग
आज कल आप जहाँ देखिये वहां सेल्फी का बोलबाला है वो चाहे कोई पार्टी हो ,स्कूल ,कालेज ,पार्क , पिकनिक
What is Love
Love is such a feeling that words cannot be bound. We can only express the feelings
5 Best Homeopathic Treatment for Anxiety Disorder
यदि आपकी चिंताएं और तनाव दिन-प्रतिदिन के जीवन में बाधा डालते हैं, तो आप एक चिंता-विकार से पीड़ित
kitna badal gaya insaan
कितना बदल गया है, इंसान और उसकी इंसानियत
Emotional Abuse
शोषण के बारे में बात करते वक्त हमारे ज़ेहन में सिर्फ शारीरिक शोषण आता है। शारीरिक शोषण जैसे कि च
Anxiety Management
Anxiety is a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness
What is Depression
जब आप खुद को ही खुद से अलग कर देते हैं तो यह लक्षण है डिप्रेशन का। यह एक ऐसी बीमारी है जो किसी को भी
How to deal with kids
If any children do not get success or they do not perform well in their academics
Effectiveness of meditation and positive affirmations
Charge your mind with this effective technique
Foods That Help Reduce Anxiety
You might feel this is something new but food can help you reduce your anxiety.
Common University Exam (CUET) UG
The Common University Entrance Test (CUET (UG) - 2023) is being introduced for admission into all UG
Unhealthy signs of a love & relationship
Probably the most obvious sign of an unhealthy relationship with love is that you’re not happy
Conduct Disorder
जब आप खुद को ही खुद से अलग कर देते हैं तो यह लक्षण है डिप्रेशन का। यह एक ऐसी बीमारी है जो किसी को भी
How to Control Thought Process
There is always a flow of memories keep going in our mind on to which we have no control
A Life of Your Choice
A Life of Your choice How to create a life of your choice. When I am well then All is well, When I am unwell then all see
Paranoid / Delusional Disorder
वहम की बीमारी है डिल्यूशन डिसऑर्डर रोहित को शक है की उसकी पत्नी का अफेयर चल रहा है।
Healthy Diet for Students During Exam
Come exam time, having higher than usual stress levels seems to be the new norm amongst students. In fact, many students
Stress Management for Employees
Employees stress is a growing concern for organizations today
वक्त लगता है किसी को अपना’ बनाने में यूं तो लंबी है अपनों की श्रृंखला
Is Your Child a Slow Learner
By Dr Aradhana Gupta
Khayal Aata Hai
लिखने से पहले दिल में ख्याल आता है
Mere Jeevan Sathi
एक स्त्री अपने जीवनसाथी से एक ऐसे जीवन की उम्मीद करती है जो सम्मान से भरपूर हो, स्त्री को शादी क
एक नई सोच नया जोश उमड़ता है मेरे मन मेजब एक बच्चे को
vanspati our mansik swasth
वानस्पतिक शोध से पता चलता है कि इनके अलावा भी कई ऐसे पौधे हैं जैसे फर्न, पाॅम और आॅरचिड ,बोनसाई ,ए
How to develop Writing Skills In Children
Writing does not represent a new language but simply A way of representing the same language.
Khud Par Yakin
खुद पर यकीन का नया सफर शुरू तो कर, हुजूम खुद ब खुद उमड़ आएगा।
Tips to Deal With Exam Stress
exam का मौसम आ चुका है ऐसे मे student को exam stress होना normal है
मेरे रूठने पर पापा
Ego And Egoism
Egoism is the theory that one’s self is, or should be, the motivation
Importance of Mental Health
Mental Health Matters
Explain Grief to Children
Children are mostly inexperienced when it comes to handling difficult
What is Autism
मस्तिष्क के विकास के दौरान होने वाला विकार है
Tips For Happy & Healthy Life
Follow these very useful tips to experience happiness
How to boost self esteem
Boost your self esteem
Zero state of mind
Zero State of Mind does not mean the lack of thoughts
जीवन चक्र
कहीं तो गिरा होगा बीज सूखे फूलों से
Nurturing Emotional Stability in Children
Simple Strategies For Parents
Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety disorders differ from normal feelings of nervousness or anxiousness and involve excessive fear or anxiety.
Benefits of Sesame Seeds
सर्दियों के मौसम में तिल के लड्डू, तिल की चिक्की सभी को खाना पसंद होती है।
Post Marriage Work Life Balance
Watch the full video and share it with all
आत्म विश्वास में वृद्धि
Self confidence वह key है जो life में success के किसी भी lock को unlock कर सकती हैं। आप कितने भी talented क्यूँ न हो पर अगर आत्म विश
Udgeeth paranayama ke fayde
उद्गीथ प्राणायाम का संबंध ॐ से होता है अर्थात उद्गीथ प्राणायाम में ॐ का जाप करना पड़ता है यह ए
Ujjayi pranayama ke fayde
इस प्राणायाम अभ्यास से वायु को जीता जाता है अर्थात उज्जायी प्राणायाम से हम अपनी साँसों पर विजय
Mobile Addiction
फोन की लत को कैसे दूर करें
Body Positivity
आप किस तरह Body Positivity सीख सकते है चलिए जानते है
Bhastrika Pranayama
भ्रस्तिका प्राणायाम से मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर होने वाले लाभ
Ragi and Mental Health
It is rich in fibre, with calcium, good carbs
मेरे छेने वाले रसगुल्ले
सफेद रसगुल्ला खाएं, मानसिक स्वास्थ्य बेहतर बनाए
प्राण के प्रकार
प्राण के कारण ही पिंड (देह) तथा ब्रह्मांड की सत्ता है
प्राण ब्रह्म से अथवा प्रकृति रूप माया से उत्पन्न है
देह में मुख्य रूप से पाँच प्राण तथा पाँच उपप्राण हैं
How To Improve Self Esteem
आप खुद के लिए क्या सोचते है उससे कही ज़्यादा powerful होते है वो शब्द
Surya Namaskar
सूर्यनमस्कार हमारे मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के लिए क्यों जरूरी है
How To Be New You
खुद में कुछ transformation या कुछ changes करके आप खुद को नए जैसा महसूस कर सकते है
What is Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is the treatment of mentally unwell and emotionally disturbed persons.
How to Choose The Right Life Partner
कुछ ऐसी बाते व सवाल जिन्हें आप अपने भावी जीवनसाथी से पूछ कर एक अंदाजा लगा सकते है
Healthy Relationship
General goals and principals of Relationship education...
How To Reduce Screentime
MOBILE / laptop आज हमारी life का अहम हिस्सा बन चुके है, हर छोटे बड़े काम के लिए हम mobile ...
मखाने के फायदे
इसमें कैल्शियम पाया जाता है जो आपकी हड्डी और दांत के लिए फायदेमंद है।...